I am constantly talking about the importance of all your B vitamins, for real, they are a game changer!!! this power point will break them down individually. Feel free to use this as an online class with the incentives included in each slide or edit & create your own. This works great in person or event sent as mini text. Download PP
B-vitamins are a group of eight water soluble vitamins that perform essential roles in cellular function. All B vitamins help the body to convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which is used to produce energy. Together those 8 Beautiful B Vitamins work with your:
* Brain Function & Memory
* Energy Production
* Nerve Function
* DNA/RNA synthesis/repair
* Emotionally Up lifting & Balancing
* Methylation
* Digestion and Enzyme Production.
* Heart Function; cholesterol, blood pressure & heart rate
* Hair & Skin including wound repair, rashes,
* Neurotransmitter Production
Please enjoy and share with your peeps.