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9/19 Creating More & Choosing to Soar

I have good news and BAD news. Every day in every way you are creating your future. The problem with that, most of us are just going through the motions and accepting the life we are

being served. You are either the star of your own show or a bit player in someone else’s show. What role would you like to have?? If you are ready to soar and create a life of your dreams, YOU must step out of your comfort zone and choose to do the work, over & over and over again. The only limit on YOUR success is in YOUR mind! What are the things that have stopped you from getting what you want out of life? Not just in your Young Living business, but in LIFE?

We each have walls that we have built around us for protection. Some of our walls are bigger, taller & thicker than others & maybe they come up & down depending on our mood but they are there. Those walls keep us in the exact same place, nothing bigger...nothing better. Just on permanent replay. The desire for more is there but the walls of what we perceive as the best we can have will keep us from moving up & over those walls. Let’s talk about ways of knocking down those walls & changing what our mind thinks about the best we can do!! Let’s soar my friends!!!

Feel free to invite your TEAM and share share share!!!! Plan on joining LIVE every Thursday at 11:00 AM EST on my personal Facebook page or catch the replay here.  You are welcome to ask your questions, just add them to the comments or post them on the event page before the FB LIVE.

YES everyone is welcome!! Join us every Thursday at 11:00 AM EST on 

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