This event is organized by Carol Pierce and Shannon Hudson will be one of the speakers. Every one is welcome to join us!! Welcome to our first Young Living event here in West Michigan!! Get tickets HEREĀ We will have amazing speakers, wellness education, give aways, vendors and more!! Come try
premium essential oils, plant based, non-toxic cleaning products, and our incredible whole-food, powerful antioxidant drink, NingXia Red!!
Be inspired to take care of yourself & your loved ones in the best way possible for YOU and go on a journey to learn how you can do that naturally.
We will focused on mental health issues, brain wellness, the gut/brain connection, releasing emotions which may affect us mentally/emotionally, how addiction effects the brain and so much more!
Saturday, September 28 Ā· 9am - 4pm EDT
Tickets are $35 each or buy 4 get one free!! So, grab a friend and join us!!
Get tickets HERE or click the picture above!!